Private Limited Company

Company Registration

Private Limited Company is the most prevalent and popular type of corporate legal entity in India. Private limited company registration is governed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. To register a private limited company, a minimum of two shareholders and two directors are required. A natural person can be both a director and shareholder, while a corporate legal entity can only be a shareholder. Further, foreign nationals, foreign corporate entities or NRIs are allowed to be Directors and/or Shareholders of a Company with Foreign Direct Investment, making it the preferred choice of entity for foreign promoters.

Unique features of a private limited company like limited liability protection to shareholders, ability to raise equity funds, separate legal entity status and perpetual existence make it the most recommended type of business entity for millions of small and medium sized businesses that are family owned or professionally managed.

FCPA is the market leader for services relating to company registration in India. FCPA can help you register a private limited company, one person company, nidhi company, section 8 company , producer company or Indian subsidiary. The average time taken to complete company formation is about 10 – 15 working days, subject to government processing time and client document submission. Get a free consultation for private limited company registration and business startup by scheduling an appointment with an FCPA Advisor.

Reasons to Register a Private Limited Company

Separate Legal Entity

Private Limited Company is a legal entity and a juristic person established under the Companies Act. Hence, a company has a range of legal capacities including opening of a bank account, hiring of employees, taking on equity or obtaining licenses and more as an independent corporate entity. 

Uninterrupted Existence

Private Limited Company has ‘perpetual succession’, meaning uninterrupted existence until it is legally dissolved. A company being a separate legal person, is unaffected by the death or other departure of any member and continues to be in existence irrespective of the changes .

Easy Transferability

Ownership of a business can be easily transferred in a company by transferring shares. The signing, filing and transfer of share transfer form and share certificates is sufficient to transfer ownership of a company. In a private limited company, the consent of other shareholders.

Borrowing Capacity

Private Limited Companies can raise equity funds in India. Companies can also issue equity shares, preference shares, debentures and accept deposits with RBI permission. Banks and Financial Institutions prefer to provide funding to a company rather than partnership firms or proprietary concerns.

Owning Property

Private Limited Company being an artificial person, can acquire, own, enjoy and alienate, property in its name. The property owned by a company could be machinery, building, intangible assets, land, residential property, factory, etc., No shareholder can make a claim upon the property of the company.

Documents Required for COMPANY Registration
Identity and Address Proof

Identity and address proof will be required for all directors and shareholders of the company to be incorporated. In case of Indian nationals, PAN is mandatory. For foreign nationals, apostilled or notarised copy of passport must be submitted mandatorily. All documents submitted must be valid. Residence proof documents like bank statement or electricity bill must be less than 2 months old.

Registered Office Proof

All companies must have a registered office in India. To prove access to the registered office, a recent copy of the electricity bill or property tax receipt or water bill must be submitted. Along with the utility bill, rental agreement or sale deed and a letter from the landlord with his/her consent to use the office as a registered office of a company must be submitted.

COMPANY Registration FAQs
  1. 1
    How do I start a private limited company?

    Starting a company is easy through IndiaFilings. All that is required are PAN card of the promoters, address proof and bank statement copies of the promoters along with address proof for the registered office address. A company can be started in about 10 – 15 days. If you have the necessary documents, sign up for one of our packages and have a company registered with guidance from one of our Advisors.

  2. 2
    What is limited liability protection?

    Limited liability is the status of being legally responsible only to a limited amount for debts of a company. Unlike proprietorships and partnerships, in a private limited company the liability of the shareholders in respect of the company’s liabilities is limited. In other words, the liability of the shareholders of a company is limited only to the value of shares taken up by them.

  3. 3
    What is authorised capital of the private limited company?

    Authorised capital is the maximum value of equity shares that can be issued by a company. On the other hand, paid up capital is the amount of shares issued by the company to shareholders. Authorised capital can be increased after incorporation at anytime to issue additional shares to the shareholders.

  4. 4
    What is required to start a private limited company?

    To register a private limited company, a minimum of two people are required to act as directors and shareholders. The directors must be natural persons, while the shareholders can be natural persons or corporate entities. In addition, a registered office address in India is also required for company registration.

  5. 5
    How long does it take to register a private limited company?

    On average, private limited companies are registered by FCPA in 10 to 15 days. The processing time would vary on a case to case basis based on the time taken by our clients to submit the necessary documents and government processing time.

  6. 6
    How will the company incorporation certificate be provided?

    Company incorporation certificate is provided as a pdf document by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). MCA does not provide hard or printed copy of incorporation certificate.

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